
Is magic an art form? Under what circumstances? While the vague, ill-defined nature of these questions smacks of Laurence Olivier’s shivering line from Marathon Man, in the end they offer little of value – as do 95% of responses. But if one particular Cubist had any say in the matter – well, draw your own conclusions:

“Art is a lie that makes us realize truth, at least the truth that is given us to understand. The artist must know the manner whereby to convince others of the truthfulness of his lies. If he only shows in his work that he has searched, and re-searched, for the way to put over his lies, he would never accomplish anything.” (Pablo Picasso, 1923)

It’s remarkable how well these thoughts tie to magic and mentalism… and the risks of dwelling obsessively on method. But it’s just as easy to overlook the great nuance of Picasso’s words and the sheer breadth of his concern. My personal takeaway: The artist is referring to everything leading up to the revelation of truth. All of it – method, aesthetics, presentation… and becoming overly enamored with any of these devices to the detriment of your Real Message.

Do you have one?


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